  • 产品名称:BCR® Half-Finger Polyester Glove Liners 半指聚酯手套衬里

  • 产品型号:BGL220LP
  • 产品厂商:Berkshire
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BCR® Polyester Glove Liners are comfortable, long term use cleanroom liners for any industry position requiring nitrile, latex or other glove types.
BCR® Polyester Glove Liners are comfortable, long term use cleanroom liners for any industry position requiring nitrile, latex or other glove types. The Half-Fingered design allows that all important tactile feel while wicking the moisture away from the palm with it's special fiber construction.

BCR®聚酯手套衬里是舒适的,长期使用的无尘室衬里,适合需要ding腈,乳胶或其他手套类型的任何行业职位。 半指设计采用纤维结构,使所有重要的触感都可以同时将水分从手掌芯吸走。

Wearing glove liners can enhance comfort and reduce perspiration and sensitivity associated with long term wearing of latex, vinyl, and nitrile gloves.BCR® Polyester Glove Liners are made out of high-quality  continuous filament polyester. They are medium-weight and are soft and comfortable to wear for long periods. The liners can be re-laundered and used again. Ambidextrous, glove size colored cuffed for easy stock control. Sterile double-gloving comfort and dexterity
长期佩戴乳胶,乙烯基和ding腈手套会导致手套舒适,并减少出汗和敏感性。BCR®聚酯手套衬里由高质量的连续长丝聚酯制成。 它们中等重量,长期穿着柔软舒适。 衬里可以重新清洗后再次使用。 双手叉腰,手套尺寸为彩色,可轻松控制库存。 无菌双手套舒适性和灵活性

Item Number Size (Metric) No. / Pack Pack / Case
BGL220LP Large 10 1
BGL2.20R Regular 10 20
BGL220RP Regular 10 1
BGL2.20L Large 10 20
BGL2.200BR Regular 200 1(Bulk)

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